[Bf-docboard] dynamic hotkey template

Ewout Fernhout chocolade at extrapuur.nl
Thu May 4 17:20:33 CEST 2006

There is no hotkey template parser at all right now... We have hotkey
templates but they are not dynamic (i.e. if you would like images you
would have to make a template for every key, instead of one key
template that simply parses it's content and generates images). Matt's
proposal is a different approach that is probably too far away from
the current use; at least all the {{K|A}} etc. templates should be


> So is this just a matter of making the hotkey template parser more
> forgiving, or are we doing the "key image" thing. If we use the image
> thing we HAVE to use alt-text for the images for accessablitiy. As far
> as printed versions go, we could use a seperate set of images for the
> "printer friendly" versions of the pages (the same images would
> probibly go to downloadable versions in other formats (pdf
> most-likely, as EVERYONE seems to be able to read them (thankyou
> adobe))

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