[Bf-docboard] software tools

Martin Middleton bf-docboard@blender.org
Sat, 20 Mar 2004 20:59:15 -0500

Personally, I'm used to creating my XML documents by hand. Normally, the 
response would be to download the CYGWIN environment and get support for 
Docbook from that, however, I definitely see the advantage of having tools 
which work the way you're requesting.

While I haven't worked with any of these tools directly, here are a couple 
of places you can download free tools that I believe will do what you want:


At 03:33 PM 3/20/2004, you wrote:
>Awesome! Thank you very much! Ok, so now that I have a bit of an idea, what
>exactly are my options as far as tools are concerned? Now, I know that you
>said you could use notepad or any other text editor assuming that I already
>know the various tags for XML, however, what if I was looking for something
>to attach the tags for me (kinda like dreamweaver does with html)?
>Thanks ahead of time.
>Bf-docboard mailing list

- Oso