[Bf-docboard] Almost ready...

malefico andauer bf-docboard@blender.org
Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:10:51 -0300 (ART)

Hi guys

I've read several threads from the mailing list
archive, and most of my previous questions were
answered there (even to me directly, apparently my
first unsuccesful attempt of subscription wasn't so
unsuccesful..., so, thanks B@rt and Stefano for your
long time ignored answers).

I guess there are a bunch of linux users here, and a
question remains unsolved. What XML editor are you
using/ recommend for a linux monkey like me ? Are you
writing the crude code or are you using some word
processor (like Lyx!) and perhaps, validating the code
it generates ? (I would try this method first anyway)

I have read the "Learning XML" appendix and it's great
work. I would probably generate a "spanish version" of
the docs I write, which will be available for any
translation efforts, future or present (any ?).



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