[Bf-docboard] Linux/Windows installation content

Bart Veldhuizen bf-docboard@blender.org
07 Jan 2003 07:59:58 +0100

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 03:13, Alex Heizer wrote:

Can someone XML-ify this and integrate it with chapter_installation.xml?



> Here it is. The formatting may be a little inconsistent. I'm sick this
> evening, so it's hard to concentrate. 
> Alex
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To add program icons for Blender in KDE:
> 1. Select the "Menu Editor" from the System submenu of the K menu.
> 2. Select the submenu labeled "Graphics" in the menu list.
> 3. Click the "New Item" button. A dialog box will appear that prompts
> you to create a name. Create and type in a suitable name and click
> "OK". "Blender", "blenderpublisher" and "Blender 2.25" would be
> logical choices, but this does not affect the functionality of the
> program.
> 4. You will be returned to the menu list, and the Graphics submenu
> will expand, with your new entry highlighted. In the right section,
> make sure the following fields are filled in: "Name", "Comment",
> "Command", "Type" and "Work Path". 
>     The "Name" field should already be filled in, but you can change
> it here at any time. 
>     Fill the "Comment" field. This is where you define the tag that
> appears when you roll over the icon.
>     Click the folder icon at the end of the "Command" field to browse
> to the blenderpublisher program icon. Select the program icon and
> click "OK" to return to the Menu Editor.
>     The "Type" should be "Application".
>     The "Work Path" should be the same as the "Command", with the
> program name left off. For example, if the "Command" field reads
> "/home/user/blender-publisher-2.25-linux-glibc2.1.2-i386/blenderpublisher", the "Work Path" would be "/home/user/blender-publisher-2.25-linux-glibc2.1.2-i386/".
> 5. Click "Apply" and close out of the Menu Editor.
> To add a link to Blender on the KPanel, right-click on a blank spot on
> the KPanel, then hover over "Add", then "Button", then "Graphics", and
> select "Blender" (or whatever you named the menu item in step 3).
>     Alternately, you can navigate through the "Configure Panel"
> submenu from the K menu, to "Add", "Button", "Graphics", "Blender".
> To add a Desktop icon for Blender, open Konquerer (found on the Panel
> by default, or in the "System" submenu of the K menu) and navigate to
> the blenderpublisher program icon where you first unzipped it. Click
> and hold the program icon, and drag it from Konquerer to a blank spot
> on your Desktop. You will be prompted to Copy Here, Move Here or Link
> Here, choose Link Here.
> To add program icons for Blender in GNOME:
> 1. Select "Edit menus" from the Panel submenu of the GNOME menu.
> 2. Select the "Graphics" submenu, and click the "New Item" button.
> 3. In the right pane, fill in the "Name:", "Comment:" and "Command:"
> fields. 
>     Fill the "Name:" field with the program name, for example
> "Blender". You can name this whatever you'd like, this is what appears
> in the menu, but does not affect the functionality of the program.
>     Fill the "Comment:" field with a descriptive comment. This is what
> is shown on the tooltips popups.
>     Fill the "Command:" field with the full path of the
> blenderpublisher program item, for example,
> "/home/user/blender-publisher-2.25-linux-glibc2.1.2-i386/blenderpublisher"
> 4. Click the "No Icon" button to choose an icon. There may or may not
> be an icon for Blender in your default location. You can make one, or
> look for the icon that goes with KDE. This should be
> /opt/kde/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/blender.png. If your
> installation directory is different, you can search for it using this
> command in a Terminal or Console:
>     find / -name "blender.png" -print
> 5. Click the "Save" button and close the Menu Editor.
> To add a Panel icon, right-click a blank area of the Panel, then
> select "Programs", then "Graphics", then "Blender". Alternatively, you
> could click the GNOME menu, then select "Panel", then "Add to panel",
> then "Launcher from menu", then "Graphics", and "Blender".
> To add a Desktop icon for Blender, open Nautilus (double-click the
> Home icon in the upper-left corner of your Desktop, or click the GNOME
> menu, then "Programs", then "Applications", and "Nautilus"). Navigate
> to the folder which contains the blenderpublisher program icon.
> Right-click the icon, and drag it to the Desktop. A menu will appear
> asking to Copy Here, Move Here, Link Here or Cancel. Select Link Here.
Bart Veldhuizen <bart@vrotvrot.com>