[Bf-docboard] The Fileformat & Getting started

instinctive new media bf-docboard@blender.org
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 12:44:13 +0100 (CET)

Hello people,

first I'd like to give a short introduction to myself,
as hardly anybody will have seen anything from me in
the past:)

I'm an about 1-year-blender-user, however, i think i
by now have a quite deep understanding of the application,
and I've made some nice projects, too.

If I get the docbook stuff working here, I'd pretty much
like to work on a _really_ complete keystroke list for
all parts of blender. I've collected several seperate
lists in the meantime, and have always added things that
were missing to them.

Are there any proposals on such a chapter in the docs

I'd also be happy to write a short paragraph on what each
key does and a short explanation of possible applications
of the function.

OK, I hope I didn't reveal too much lazyness in reading
blender.org ;)

> I suggest that if you would like to write something, you first drop a
> line to the maillist - just to prevent that someone else is writing the
> same thing at the same time.

| alexander ewering           instinctive new media
| ae@instinctive.de       http://www.instinctive.de 
| fon: +49-2393-220558         fax: +49-2393-220559