[Bf-docboard-svn] bf-manual: [9604] branches/blender-3.3-release/blender_docs/manual: Improve "3D Viewport" section (Part 4 - display)

Aaron Carlisle noreply at blender.org
Mon Oct 10 03:47:00 CEST 2022

Revision: 9604
Author:   Blendify
Date:     2022-10-10 03:47:00 +0200 (Mon, 10 Oct 2022)
Log Message:
Improve "3D Viewport" section (Part 4 - display)

Extended/updated a bunch of explanations for clarity. Also added some images to make it easier for new users to find the header buttons.

Changes of note:
- Gizmos:
-- Pointed out that holding Ctrl makes rotation and scaling work in coarse increments. (Originally only Shift was documented.)
-- Pointed out the difference between the Rotation gizmo's trackball disc (originally described as a "circle") and the actual circle.
-- Pointed out that the Focus Distance gizmo requires having "Show Limits" enabled in the camera properties. This is a known issue T68483 which was reported years ago and seems unlikely to be fixed any time soon.
- Viewport overlays:
-- The Startup Scene page had a longer explanation about the Text Info overlay than the Overlays page, so moved it.
-- Pointed out that the Stencil Mask Opacity slider for Vertex Paint mode does nothing T93129. Apparently the plan is to remove it in the future.
- Shading:
-- Documented the "Z" and "Shift-Z" keyboard shortcuts which were previously not mentioned.

Author: @arc_


Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: branches/blender-3.3-release/blender_docs/manual/editors/3dview/display/gizmo.rst
--- branches/blender-3.3-release/blender_docs/manual/editors/3dview/display/gizmo.rst	2022-10-08 15:29:34 UTC (rev 9603)
+++ branches/blender-3.3-release/blender_docs/manual/editors/3dview/display/gizmo.rst	2022-10-10 01:47:00 UTC (rev 9604)
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
 .. reference::
-   :Mode:      Object and Edit Modes
-   :Header:    |gizmo-icon| :menuselection:`Viewport Gizmos --> Object Gizmos`
+   :Mode:      All Modes
+   :Header:    |gizmo-icon| :menuselection:`Gizmos`
-The way how gizmos are displayed in the 3D Viewport can be changed in the Viewport Gizmos pop-over.
-There is a toggle to hide all gizmos for the 3D Viewport.
+Clicking the icon toggles all gizmos in the 3D Viewport.
+The dropdown button displays a popover with more detailed settings,
+which are described below.
 Viewport Gizmos
@@ -18,40 +19,62 @@
-   Enable/disable the navigation gizmo.
+   Enable/disable the :ref:`navigation gizmo <navigation-gizmo>`.
 Active Tool
    Enable/disable the gizmo of the active tool.
 Active Object
-   Enable/disable the gizmo for the active object.
+   Enable/disable the Object Gizmos for the active element (see below).
 Object Gizmos
-The Object Gizmos allows mouse controlled translation, rotation and scaling in the 3D Viewport.
-There is a separate gizmos for each operation.
+Object Gizmos allow mouse-controlled translation, rotation and scaling in the 3D Viewport.
+While they're called "object" gizmos in the popover, they also apply to other transformable
+elements such as mesh vertices.
+There is a separate gizmo for each operation.
 Each gizmo can be used separately or in combination with the others.
-You can use the gizmos by dragging one of the three colored axes with :kbd:`LMB`.
-The transformation will be locked to the clicked axis.
-Holding down :kbd:`Shift` *after* you :kbd:`LMB`
-the gizmo handle will constrain the action to smaller increments.
-Holding down :kbd:`Shift` *before* you :kbd:`LMB` click on one of the handles will cause the gizmo action
-to be performed relative to the other two axes. See :ref:`view3d-transform-plane-lock`.
+A gizmo always has three color-coded axes: X (red), Y (green), and Z (blue).
+You can drag an axis with :kbd:`LMB` to transform along it. The Move and Scale gizmos
+additionally have small colored squares for transforming along two axes in one go.
+Various modifier keys can be used:
+- Holding :kbd:`Ctrl` at any time will toggle :doc:`snapping </editors/3dview/controls/snapping>`
+  and also make rotation and scaling work in coarse increments.
+- Holding :kbd:`Shift` *after* pressing :kbd:`LMB` will do the opposite of the above, "slowing down"
+  the transformation relative to mouse movement to allow finer adjustments.
+- Holding :kbd:`Shift` *before* pressing :kbd:`LMB` will perform the transformation in the plane
+  that's perpendicular to the clicked axis. See :ref:`view3d-transform-plane-lock`.
+The Gizmos popover has the following settings for object gizmos:
-   The orientation to use for the gizmo. The orientations can be
-   configured in the viewport orientation :doc:`Orientations menu </editors/3dview/controls/orientation>`.
+   The orientation to use for the gizmo. *Default* means to use the viewport's
+   :doc:`Transform Orientation </editors/3dview/controls/orientation>`.
+   The other options override it.
    Show the gizmo to control the location.
-   Dragging the small white circle allows free transformation.
+   Dragging the small white circle allows free movement in the viewing plane.
    Show the gizmo to control the rotation.
-   When you hover your mouse over the gizmo a highlighted circle will appear,
-   clicking this will activate :ref:`trackball rotation <view3d-transform-trackball>`.
+   Dragging the large white circle allows rotation around the viewing direction.
+   Dragging the translucent white disc within that circle (only visible when
+   hovering over the gizmo) allows :ref:`trackball rotation <view3d-transform-trackball>`.
-   Show the gizmo to control the scaling.
+   Show the gizmo to control the scale.
+   Dragging the area between the small and large white circles scales along all three axes.
+The latter three options are also available in a pie menu
+if you have the *Grave Accent / Tilde Action* in the
+:doc:`Keymap Preferences </editors/preferences/keymap>` set to *Gizmos*.
+.. note::
+   If you're using a tool that's tied to a particular gizmo setup (the *Move*, *Rotate*,
+   *Scale* and *Transform* tools), the Move/Rotate/Scale checkboxes won't have any effect.
 .. list-table::
    * - .. figure:: /images/editors_3dview_display_gizmo_options-translate.png
@@ -82,31 +105,34 @@
-Gizmo settings for empties.
+Gizmo settings for :doc:`empties </modeling/empties>`.
-   Show the gizmo to adjust the image size and position of empties.
+   Show the gizmo to adjust the image size and position.
 Force Field
-   Show the gizmo to adjust the force field.
+   Show the gizmo to adjust the :doc:`force field </physics/forces/force_fields/introduction>`.
-Gizmo settings for lights.
+Gizmo settings for :doc:`lights </render/lights/light_object>`.
-   Show the gizmo to adjust the size of lights.
+   Show the gizmo to adjust the Spot Size of spotlights.
 Look At
-   Show the gizmo to adjust the direction of the light.
+   Show the gizmo to adjust the direction of lights.
-Gizmo settings for cameras.
+Gizmo settings for :doc:`cameras </render/cameras>`.
-   Show the gizmo to adjust the lens and orthographic size.
+   Show the gizmo to adjust the focal length (for Perspective cameras)
+   or orthographic scale (for Orthograpic cameras).
 Focus Distance
-   Show to gizmo to adjust the focus distance.
+   Enable the gizmo for adjusting the focus distance. To see this gizmo,
+   you need to enable the :menuselection:`Viewport Display --> Limits` checkbox
+   in the camera's properties (green camera icon).

Modified: branches/blender-3.3-release/blender_docs/manual/editors/3dview/display/overlays.rst
--- branches/blender-3.3-release/blender_docs/manual/editors/3dview/display/overlays.rst	2022-10-08 15:29:34 UTC (rev 9603)
+++ branches/blender-3.3-release/blender_docs/manual/editors/3dview/display/overlays.rst	2022-10-10 01:47:00 UTC (rev 9604)
@@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
 .. _bpy.types.View3DOverlay:
+.. |overlays-icon| image:: /images/editors_3dview_display_overlays.png
 Viewport Overlays
-Using the Viewport Overlays pop-over settings for the overlays can be configured.
-There is a toggle to hide all overlays for the 3D Viewport.
+.. reference::
-The options that are visible in the pop-over depend on the mode that the 3D Viewport is in.
+   :Mode:      All Modes
+   :Header:    |overlays-icon| :menuselection:`Overlays`
+Clicking the icon toggles all overlays in the 3D Viewport.
+The dropdown button displays a popover with more detailed settings,
+which are described below.
+The available options depend on the mode that the 3D Viewport is in.
 Object Mode
-The next options are always present, independent the current mode.
+The following options are always present, independent of the current mode.
+Some of the overlays can be customized in the
+:doc:`Viewport Preferences </editors/preferences/viewport>`.
@@ -22,9 +30,9 @@
    Show grid in orthographic side view.
-   Show the ground plane.
+   Show the ground plane in perspective view.
-   Show the X, Y and/or Z axis line.
+   Show the X, Y and/or Z axis lines.
    The distance between lines in the grid/floor.
@@ -32,15 +40,31 @@
    The number of subdivisions between grid lines.
 Text Info
-   Shows information such as the :doc:`View Perspective </editors/3dview/navigate/projections>`,
-   playback :abbr:`FPS (Frames Per Second)`, current frame number,
-   and the name of the active :doc:`Collection </scene_layout/collections/index>` and Object.
+   Show various bits of information in the top left corner of the viewport.
+   View Perspective
+      Name of the :doc:`View Perspective </editors/3dview/navigate/projections>`,
+      such as "Top Orthographic" or "User Perspective."
+   Playback Frame Rate (FPS)
+      Displays the Frames Per Second at which the animation is playing.
+      By default, Blender goes through every single frame, which may result in an FPS that's lower than
+      intended (and the animation playing slower than realtime); the FPS turns red in this case.
+      You can change this behavior in the Playback popover of the :doc:`Timeline </editors/timeline>`.
+   Object Info
+      Shows the current frame in parentheses, followed by the names of the selected
+      :doc:`Collection </scene_layout/collections/index>` and the :ref:`active object <object-active>`.
+      When applicable, also shows the selected :doc:`Shape Key </animation/shape_keys/introduction>`
+      and (in angle brackets) the :doc:`Marker </animation/markers>` on the current frame.
+      If the object has a keyframe on the current frame, the Object Info is displayed in yellow.
+   Grid Resolution
+      When the view is aligned to a world axis (see :doc:`/editors/3dview/navigate/viewpoint`),
+      the Text Info additionally shows the smallest distance between two parallel grid lines.
    Show information about the amount of objects and geometry.
-   Note the counters that are displayed depends on the current selection.
-   For example selecting a mesh gives info on the number of vertices, edges, and faces,
-   while selecting other object such as lights shows a count of the lights in the scene.
+   Note that the counters depend on the current selection.
+   For example, selecting a mesh gives info on the number of vertices, edges, and faces,
+   while selecting a light shows the number of lights in the scene.
    - Objects -- Number of the selected objects and the total count.
    - Geometry -- Displays information about the current scene depending on the mode and object type.
@@ -47,12 +71,14 @@

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