[Bf-docboard-svn] bf-manual: [8381] trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor: Move fcurve properties from introduction to properties page

Aaron Carlisle noreply at blender.org
Sun Sep 12 23:05:52 CEST 2021

Revision: 8381
Author:   Blendify
Date:     2021-09-12 23:05:51 +0200 (Sun, 12 Sep 2021)
Log Message:
Move fcurve properties from introduction to properties page

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor/channels.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor/channels.rst	2021-09-12 20:49:27 UTC (rev 8380)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor/channels.rst	2021-09-12 21:05:51 UTC (rev 8381)
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 Locks or unlocks a channel for editing.
+.. _editors-graph-fcurves-settings-extrapolation:
 .. _bpy.ops.graph.extrapolation_type:
 Extrapolation Mode
@@ -164,9 +165,35 @@
    :Menu:      :menuselection:`Channel --> Extrapolation Mode`
    :Shortcut:  :kbd:`Shift-E`
-Change the :ref:`extrapolation <editors-graph-fcurves-settings-extrapolation>` between selected keyframes.
+Change the extrapolation between selected keyframes.
+Extrapolation defines the behavior of a curve before the first and after the last keyframes.
+There are two basic extrapolation modes:
+   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_extrapolate1.png
+      :align: right
+      :width: 300px
+      Constant extrapolation.
+   The default one, curves before their first keyframe and after their last one have a constant value
+   (the one of these first and last keyframes).
+   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_extrapolate2.png
+      :align: right
+      :width: 300px
+      Linear extrapolation.
+   Curves ends are straight lines (linear), as defined by the slope of their first and last keyframes.
+Additional extrapolation methods (e.g. the *Cycles* modifier)
+are located in the :doc:`F-Curve Modifiers </editors/graph_editor/fcurves/sidebar/modifiers>`.
 .. _bpy.ops.graph.hide:
 .. _bpy.ops.graph.reveal:

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor/fcurves/introduction.rst
--- trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor/fcurves/introduction.rst	2021-09-12 20:49:27 UTC (rev 8380)
+++ trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor/fcurves/introduction.rst	2021-09-12 21:05:51 UTC (rev 8381)
@@ -63,250 +63,3 @@
      - .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_moving2.png
           After moving the second keyframe.
-F-Curves have three additional properties, which control the interpolation between points,
-extension behavior, and the type of handles.
-.. _editors-graph-fcurves-settings-interpolation:
-Interpolation Mode
-.. reference::
-   :Menu:      :menuselection:`Key --> Interpolation Mode`
-   :Shortcut:  :kbd:`T`
-Mode for the :term:`Interpolation` between the current and next keyframe.
-.. rubric:: Interpolation
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_constant.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Constant.
-   There is no interpolation at all. The curve holds the value of its last keyframe,
-   giving a discrete (stairway) "curve".
-   Usually only used during the initial "blocking" stage in pose-to-pose animation workflows.
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_linear.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Linear.
-   This simple interpolation creates a straight segment, giving a non-continuous line.
-   It can be useful when using only two keyframes and the *Extrapolation* extend mode,
-   to easily get an infinite straight line (i.e. a linear curve).
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_editing_clean1.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Bézier.
-   The more powerful and useful interpolation, and the default one.
-   It gives nicely smoothed curves, i.e. smooth animations!
-.. note::
-   Remember that some F-curves can only take discrete values,
-   in which case they are always shown as if constant interpolated, whatever option you chose.
-.. rubric:: Easing (by strength)
-Different methods of easing interpolations for F-curve segment.
-The "Robert Penner easing equations" (basically, equations which define some preset ways that
-one keyframe transitions to another) which reduce the amount of manual work (inserting and tweaking keyframes)
-to achieve certain common effects. For example, snappy movements.
-- Linear
-- Sinusoidal
-- Quadratic
-- Cubic
-- Quartic
-- Quintic
-- Exponential
-- Circular
-.. seealso::
-   For more info and a few live demos, see https://easings.net and
-   http://robertpenner.com/easing/
-.. rubric:: Dynamic Effects
-These additional easing types imitate (fake) physics-based effects like bouncing/springing effects.
-The corresponding settings can be found in the :menuselection:`Sidebar region --> Active Keyframe panel`.
-   Cubic easing with overshoot and settle.
-   Use this one when you want a bit of an overshoot coming into the next keyframe,
-   or perhaps for some wind-up anticipation.
-   Back
-      The back property controls the size and direction (i.e. above/below the curve) of the overshoot.
-   Exponentially decaying parabolic bounce, like when objects collide.
-   e.g. for Bouncing balls, etc.
-   Exponentially decaying sine wave, like an elastic band.
-   This is like bending a stiff pole stuck to some surface,
-   and watching it rebound and settle back to its original state.
-   Amplitude
-      The amplitude property controls how strongly the oscillation diverges from the basic curve.
-      At 0.0, there is no oscillation (i.e. it just snaps to the B-value like an extreme exponential transition),
-      and at 1.0 a profile similar to the one shown in the icon occurs.
-   Period
-      The period property controls the frequency with which oscillations occur.
-      Higher values result in denser oscillations.
-.. _editors-graph-fcurves-settings-easing:
-Easing Type
-.. reference::
-   :Menu:      :menuselection:`Key --> Easing Type`
-   :Shortcut:  :kbd:`Ctrl-E`
-The Easing Type controls which end of the segment between the two keyframes that the easing effects apply to.
-The Easing Type has no effect if the :ref:`Interpolation Mode <editors-graph-fcurves-settings-interpolation>`
-is set to either *Constant*, *Linear*, or *Bézier*.
-:Automatic Easing:
-   The most commonly expected of the below behaviors is used.
-   For the transitional effects, this is basically *ease in*, while for the physics effects it is *ease out*.
-:Ease In:
-   Effect builds up to the second keyframe.
-:Ease Out:
-   Effect fades out from the first keyframe.
-:Ease In Out:
-   Effect occurs on both ends of the segment.
-.. _editors-graph-fcurves-settings-extrapolation:
-Extrapolation Mode
-.. reference::
-   :Menu:      :menuselection:`Channel --> Extrapolation Mode`
-   :Shortcut:  :kbd:`Shift-E`
-Extrapolation defines the behavior of a curve before the first and after the last keyframes.
-There are two basic extrapolation modes:
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_extrapolate1.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Constant extrapolation.
-   The default one, curves before their first keyframe and after their last one have a constant value
-   (the one of these first and last keyframes).
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_extrapolate2.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Linear extrapolation.
-   Curves ends are straight lines (linear), as defined by the slope of their first and last keyframes.
-Additional extrapolation methods (e.g. the *Cycles* modifier)
-are located in the :doc:`F-Curve Modifiers </editors/graph_editor/fcurves/sidebar/modifiers>`.
-.. _editors-graph-fcurves-settings-handles:
-Handle Type
-.. reference::
-   :Menu:      :menuselection:`Key --> Handle Type`
-   :Shortcut:  :kbd:`V`
-When using Bézier-interpolated curves it is possible to control the slope of the curve at the control points.
-This is done via the curve point *handles*; you can set the type of handle to use
-for the curve points by pressing :kbd:`V` or choosing Key, Handle Type in the Graph editor menu.
-Each curve point can have a different handle type, even within the same curve.
-There are three automatic modes, *Automatic*, *Auto Clamped*, and *Vector*,
-where Blender automatically determines the curve's slope at each control point.
-The neighboring control points have the most influence of the slope,
-and points further away have a smaller influence. This can be controlled per F-curve with
-the :ref:`Auto Handle Smoothing <bpy.types.FCurve.auto_smoothing>` properties.
-By using the other, non-automatic modes, you have full manual control over the slope.
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_auto.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Auto handles.
-   Handle positions are automatically chosen to produce smooth curves.
-:Auto Clamped:
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_autoclamped.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Auto clamped handles.
-   Automatic handles clamped to prevent overshoots and
-   changes in the curve direction between keyframes (S-shapes).
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_vector.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Vector handles.
-   Creates automatic linear interpolation between keyframes. The segments remain linear when
-   keyframe centers are moved. However, when the handles are moved, the handle type switches to *Free*.
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_aligned.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Aligned handles.
-   The two handles of the curve point are locked together to always point in exactly opposite directions.
-   This results in a curve that is always smooth at the control point.
-   .. figure:: /images/editors_graph-editor_fcurves_introduction_free.png
-      :align: right
-      :width: 300px
-      Free handles.
-   The handles can be moved completely independently, and thus can result in a sharp change of direction.

Modified: trunk/blender_docs/manual/editors/graph_editor/fcurves/sidebar/curve.rst

@@ Diff output truncated at 10240 characters. @@

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