[Bf-cycles] Render API

Brecht Van Lommel brechtvanlommel at pandora.be
Fri Mar 14 04:20:28 CET 2014

Hi Paulo,

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 2:54 AM, Paulo Perbone <pauloperbone at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Blender's SDK
> I'm assuming we need to support a real set of tools and API/SPI for
> developers to allow them to integrate and extend Blender using C++. In
> special for the Renderer we need a plug-in interface for shared library,
> with loaders, factories etc. This SDK should not depend on Blender's source
> code and should be ABI/API compatible with the matching version of its
> release and Blender's.

Right, we basically need a C++ SDK if external renderers want good
export performance.

It would be good to support a plugin interface with support for
loading dynamic libraries. However this is not necessarily needed to
start, it is also possible to use Python scripts and let those scripts
load Python extensions that then access the Blender API. Without this
Python bridge the code would be cleaner though.

Not sure what you mean by not depending on Blender's source code, if
you mean that the SDK contains a set of header files that plugins can
compile against without having access to the rest of the source code
then yes, that's how it should be.

> Internal features used outside Blender's blob
> Cycles make use of lots of internal types and some times it uses its own
> with similar purpose. Concepts like Scene, Camera, Mesh etc exists inside
> Blender and they are the source of data for the Renderer. The way a SDK
> should work we should not have dependencies of internal types like this for
> the plug-in to compile and build. I can't think another way other than
> redefining all this concepts again into the SDK so that Blender can manage
> the translation of its internal state to a more public representation
> through the API/SPI interfaces.

It's not clear to me what you mean here. We have the RNA API that
abstracts away the internal Blender types and can preserve
compatibility up to a point as internal structures changes, until they
change so much that the abstraction is no longer valid. This is the
API that Cycles and the Python API use.

I wouldn't say this uses internal types, the RNA types match the
internal data structures pretty well, but that seems like reasonable
API design. So it's not clear to me what it means then to redefine all
these concepts or why it would be done.

> How to deal with Python initialization vs C++ plug-in initialization
> The way things works now is pretty straightforward. The module's Python code
> gain access to all sort of internal state and relay them to the C++ code.
> Once we separate the C++ to its own blob with its own roles things can
> become more evolved and complex. We could use a thin glue of Python for each
> plug-in but I'm not sure if I like this approach. Not to mention we need
> performance here so Python much probably would be in your way.

The Python glue doesn't have a significant impact on Cycles
performance so it's not a big deal. But the mix of C++ and Python code
is not easy to understand. There are a bunch of things in the Python
API like defining properties, user interfaces, subclassing types that
are not possible in C++ now though, so I imagine any plugin will
likely need to have some Python code unless all these things are
somehow supported from a first SDK release.

> Events
> We need a way to expose internal events to the outside so the plug-in can
> connect and consume event signals. The same way we need to be able to fire
> events inside the plug-in into Blender for any target consumer.

The way this works in the Python API is that you subclass the
RenderEngine class (or Panel, Operator, Node, ..). Then you have a
number of member functions that will get called: "update", "render",
"viewport_draw", etc. I think that subclassing system works well as a
general mechanism for Blender to call into plugins, it's a pretty
standard OO programming technique.

There are other types of events that are supported in the Python
(bpy.app.handlers), though these are not needed for render engines at
the moment, so I wouldn't worry about that. If you want to avoid the
Python glue here I would try to implementing this subclassing system
for the RNA C++ API.


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