[Bf-cycles] UV, not working well in OSL Script node

Brecht Van Lommel brechtvanlommel at pandora.be
Tue Oct 9 20:47:57 CEST 2012


On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 8:23 PM, Dalai Felinto <dfelinto at gmail.com> wrote:
>> • If the parameter matches the name and type of a per-primitive,
>> per-face, or per-vertex primitive variable on the particular piece of
>> geometry being shaded, the parameter’s value will be computed by
>> interpolating the primitive variable for each position that must be
>> shaded."
> See if I got it right:
> *) The user would explicitly have u,v as input parameters on the Node script.

No, u and v are built-in variables, parametric coordinates for the
primitive that is being shaded. They have nothing to do with UV
texture coordinate maps and should not be used for UV maps.

> *) This would generate an input socket automatically.
> *) if nothing is plugged in, the active UV layer is passed along as UV.

You'd have a shader parameter named UVMap (of type "point"). This
would then automatically give you the UV layer named "UVMap". We could
have a special name for the active UV map.


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