[Bf-cycles] Strand Rendering

Brecht Van Lommel brechtvanlommel at pandora.be
Sat Dec 8 20:57:27 CET 2012


On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Stuart Broadfoot <gbroadfoot at hotmail.com> wrote:
>     I have posted a patch for cycles strand rendering, that I have been
> working on, in the tracker
> (http://projects.blender.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=33445&group_id=9&atid=127).
> I’m not really completely happy with the coding so feedback would be great.
> For now I was just trying to get it all working, with reasonable
> functionality. I have already noticed one fault caused by using `sample as
> light’ for emitting strands. I intend to just debug and tidy what’s there
> for now. Hopefully some of it can be used. I have also posted a few examples
> on blender artist here
> (http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?216113-Brecht-s-easter-egg-surprise-Modernizing-shading-and-rendering/page502).

Impressive work! I'll do a detailed review in next weeks, but after a
quick look over the patch this looks all quite reasonable. If you have
specific questions about design or code now I can look into those
sooner and try to give feedback.

Regarding the multiple importance sampling of emissive hair, that's
not particularly important I would think, most of the time you'd want
to keep that disabled anyway. It's nice if it works, but hair is not
typically used as a light source of course.


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