[Bf-compositor] New Corner Pin node

Sean Kennedy mack_dadd2 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 21 19:15:17 CET 2014

Nice! I don't mind waiting for you guys to sort it out properly and make it amazing. :)

Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 09:43:56 +0100
From: lukas.toenne at gmail.com
To: bf-compositor at blender.org
Subject: Re: [Bf-compositor] New Corner Pin node

@Sean: It is possible to show these inputs as expanded vectors, but requires quite hackish code ...


Problem are limitations of the old C node system, which keeps all the specialized socket stuff inside the core code and makes it really fuzzy. Perhaps we can finally put pynodes to good use here and port the compositor node UI over (all a matter of available time and priorities).

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Sean Kennedy <mack_dadd2 at hotmail.com> wrote:

Great node! Definitely going to be useful, although I agree with Francesco about the complexity of setting the positions of the corners.
What about something like this?

Is that possible?
And then eventually, maybe setting it up so we could plug in either value nodes or track position nodes.

Still, nice work! Any tools added to the compositor are welcome tools!

Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 18:27:27 +0100
From: lukas.toenne at gmail.com

To: bf-compositor at blender.org
Subject: Re: [Bf-compositor] New Corner Pin node

Bit of a misunderstanding: The "Plane" output is not a problem at all. What IS a problem (in terms of performance and code hackishness mostly) is the way these corner input sockets are evaluated by the node. Don't want to go through all the details, just know that if this node runs somewhat slow and needs more memory than reasonable it's likely because of that.

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Francesco Paglia <f.paglia.80 at gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks Lukas for your explanation,In fact I was wondering how was designed the side panel.
the solution with button in my opinion add an extra complexity that could be skipped (if possible).

As it looks now every tweak requires you to select the proper corner then carefully move on the property without exiting the panel otherwise you have to reclick on the cornerbutton then you can modify the values...

About the plane output I still don't understand the effective use of the plane output or better I just think it should be omitted as an output and just pre-calculated in the node...Lets make an example:

I have an RGBA image as input then the process I do is "warp all the channel of the image" then I apply an "inside the plane" operand that uses the plane as limiter of the RGBA channel resulting in a "transparent" area of the processed frame...

Of course I'm shure you added the plane output socket for some reason and evaluation you did while designing the node, but I really don't see a reason to add it if it's notthing else than a possible technical limitation you can't solve in any other way :)

Can't wait to have you working on the biggest issue (sampling and Canvas) I'm sure once those problem will be addressed everything will turn in a better way!Cheers!Francesco


2014-02-20 17:36 GMT+01:00 Lukas Tönne <lukas.toenne at gmail.com>:

The "Plane" output is a black/white mask, just like in the PlaneTrack node. It is essentially an alpha map (1 on the plane, 0 outside). You can see i'm using it as a mix factor in the screenshot (otherwise image would be alpha=0 outside the plane instead of pink).

I'm not that familiar with the tracking data types, afaik there is a "Track Position" node which you could use as input for the corners. The Plane Track node also does basically the same, but directly takes plane corners from the tracking data (i think these are 2 different types of data in the movie clip editor).

As noted in the task description, one major issue with the compositor is the lack of constants. Once we implement those properly (and it is definitely needed) we can much more easily output single values, e.g. for exposing the plane track corners alongside the warped image and mask.

Canvas compositing will also go a long way in making this node more easily accessible, but first we need to look into resolution handling and sampling issues in the compositor internals.

There is not much to see about the node properties (i guess that's what you are interested in), only buttons are the input values, which are vectors (3D, z component is ignored):http://www.pasteall.org/pic/67139

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Francesco Paglia <f.paglia.80 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Lukas,nice addition, thanks!Just few questions:1. I see the outputs of the node are image and Plane, what plane is intended for? Does it output the alpha datas?

2. Can we use traking data as inputs or how can we manage the animation of the corners?

3. would be great if you can make a print screen with the corner pin node selected.
Thanks Francesco   

2014-02-20 14:19 GMT+01:00 Lukas Tönne <lukas.toenne at gmail.com>:

Just a quick note: On request by some of our L.A. based users i've implemented a "Corner Pin" node:

Should be in trunk shortly after the release.


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Francesco PagliaVfx and Production Supervisor
mobile  +39 347.82.12.473
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