[Bf-committers] Alibaba Cloud

阿里巴巴开源镜像 ali-yum at alibaba-inc.com
Mon Nov 22 10:52:47 CET 2021

I am the administrator of the AlibabaCloud Open Source Mirrorsite (https://mirrors.aliyun.com). As we are the largest cloud computing service provider in China, the open source mirrorsite from alibaba cloud serves the most developers in China, for example over 400 million downloads of Centos and 30million downloads of Ubuntu everyday.

We have provided the mirror services right after your release under the address. https://mirrors.aliyun.com/blender/ .

I am writing to you to add our mirror into your mirror list. Please refer to the following information.
1. Country: CN
2. Site Name: Alibaba Cloud
3. Mirror Name: mirrors.aliyun.com
4. Categories: http (http://mirrors.aliyun.com/blender/), https (https://mirrors.aliyun.com/blender// )
5. Bandwidth: 10000
6. Internet2: No
7. Comments: First mirror site from cloud service provider in China, speedup with CDN services.


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