[Bf-committers] Simple steps to get an harmonious collaboration

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 10:28:20 CEST 2021

On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 5:22 PM Ray Molenkamp via Bf-committers
<bf-committers at blender.org> wrote:
> I'm somewhat confused on the goal some of the (proposed?) rules.
> But I'll just pick on the "Patch description should match the
> commit message."-rule for now not to make this longer than it
> needs to be.
> Most people are much more verbose in their patch description,
> some have visual aids (images/clips), benchmark results, and
> perhaps test files attached to them. Rich content is possible
> and often used.
> While commit messages are a much more somber endeavor, no rich
> content and strict requirements on the formatting (50 chars
> for the first line ie)

As I understand it the intention of the proposal is that the patch
description is written in the style of a commit message,
Extra verbose information is to be included below a separator `---`.

I don't see any problems with this.


Although there is potential for these kinds of rules to be applied in
a rigid manner which I don't think has a net benefit.
For community contributions it's something we can aim for but getting
overly picky here can back-fire.

For example if someone submits a patch where the description isn't an
ideal commit message,
do we spend an extra review iteration to get them to improve this?

It's possible to get really picky in these kinds of situations, I
would guess many patch submissions could be criticized with statements

- The text doesn't meet the expectation of high quality technical
writing (if English isn't their first language).
- You didn't include the `---`
- The subject is over 50 characters, the following text exceeds 79.

... My impression is it's not the intention to become this picky, but
it could be read as if that's what is being suggested.

- Campbell

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