[Bf-committers] Reusing the Blender Fund website for Krita

Sem Mulder sem at mulderke.net
Wed Oct 30 15:39:17 CET 2019

Hi Kuntal!

> " ?: (urls.E007) The custom handler500 view
> 'blender_fund_main.views.errors.ErrorHandler500' does not take the
> number of arguments (request). "

This looks like you might not be using the correct version of Django. I
just tried setting up the project from scratch locally and this seemed to
  - `pipenv install --dev` (Make sure you are not already inside of a
virtualenv here! Pipenv will bork the one you are in if you are...)
  - Missing from the README.md here is that you should `cp blender_fund/
settings.example.py blender_fund/settings.py`.
  - Just replace the logging file `/var/log/apps/blender-fund.log` with
  - Execute `CREATE DATABASE blender_fund` in MySQL and make sure the
credentials are correct in `settings_common.py`.
  - `pipenv run ./manage.py migrate`
  - `pipenv run ./manage.py loaddata systemuser devfund default_site
  - `pipenv run ./manage.py collectmedia --noinput`
  - Also missing from the README.md is `git submodule init` and `git
submodule update` and then `./gulp`.
  - Now `pipenv run ./manage.py runserver 8010` should work and give you a
working landing page.

> Other than that it looked fine, but to be honest I didn't test it much.
> For now, here are the things I think we need to do to get it started,
>  - swap Blender ID with our own oauth
>  - rebrand the website for Krita
>  - get a braintree account and integrate it

This sounds about right for what needs to happen! Don't hesitate to contact
us if you have any further questions :).

Kind regards,

Sem Mulder

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