[Bf-committers] Viewport workshop in Amsterdam

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Sun Sep 11 15:38:03 CEST 2016

Hi all,

In the 2nd half of September Blender Institute will organize a couple of 2.8 viewport sprints with invited Blender developers. We will discuss a lot of ideas and designs, but especially find out how to cooperate on the viewport project more closely - which is also possible as a BI job or with a Development Fund grant.

I expect we will come up with a high quality viewport design proposal which can be further discussed here, on the code.blender.org blog and of course the Blender Conference.

Participants will be:

- Sergey Sharybin
- Bastien Montagne 
- Mike Erwin
- Dalai Felinto 
- Clement Foucault (PBR branch)
- Lubos Lenco (armory3d.org)
- And myself.

Not everyone will be here at the same time though. We'll share as much as is practical online, especially via our popular irc.freenode.net #blendercoders channel.



(BTW: During the Blender Conference there's a day of Cycles developer sprints!)

Ton Roosendaal  -  ton at blender.org   -   www.blender.org
Chairman Blender Foundation, Producer Blender Institute
Support us - join blender.cloud or Blender Dev Fund.

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