[Bf-committers] What are the keyboard shortcuts not on all menus?

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 22:21:52 CET 2015

>> What are the keyboard shortcuts not on all menus?
> >> For example if you press ctr-e
> >> you get:
> >> EDGES
> >> make face  F
> >> subdivide
> >> un-subdivide
> >> etc

I think due to  a typo I failed to make myself clear.
First I did not relies that both the Edge menu and the  Edge Special had
subdivide in it.
So basically there is no real shortcut for subdivide but you can use
numbers to select an item in a menu or you can use its sort-cut key or
sometimes you can use its menu key.

So for subdivide I can type
w ->2
w ->s
but subdivide has no short-cut key

and for make face
ctrl e -> 1
ctrl e -> m

Wow, those are a lot of options. Do we really need that many? I would like
to have a short-cut for subdivide but I can now begin to see the problem.
Thanks for that answer.

BTW I like pie select but I think it is slowing down by workflow. I am
still undecided but I am leaning that way now. Not that I have a better

Douglas E Knapp

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