[Bf-committers] Why is SceneRenderLayer a bpy_struct?

Brian Savery brian.savery at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 17:09:51 CEST 2015

> Not sure what's wrong with SceneRenderLayer being a struct, this totally
> corresponds to what's happening in render API of Blender.
> That being said, think you don't really need to extend SceneRenderLayer
> structure, but want to add some custom render passes instead. There's
> indeed no clean way to do it. Think the way to go would be to specify
> engine-specific passes via some RenderEngineType, but this wasn't really
> investigated yet and needs some design proposal ad implementation.

That's basically what I think we'll up doing.  However then you need to
tell the render result what layers to load in some how?  Haven't thought
this through.


> Roughly speaking, ID is an entity of scene graph which artists operates
> with and could be referenced from all over the place. In this regard making
> space an ID is wrong because you never want to re-use same space from
> different areas of blender.

I guess maybe I don't understand from that description why you wouldn't
want the SceneRenderLayer to be an ID.

Thanks for the reply.

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