[Bf-committers] Weight paint: display unreferenced verts in black instead of blue ?

Gaia gaia.clary at machinimatrix.org
Fri Feb 15 10:09:07 CET 2013

On 14.02.2013 17:27, Brecht Van Lommel wrote:
> I agree entirely that it is difficult to see those vertices and that a
> way to visualize them better would be great. But I think that such a
> visualization tool should make no distinction between zero and no
> weight vertices.
>> Ok, i hear you telling me i can use the "clean weights" tool and be
>> happy. But what
>> if i intentionally WANT to have some weights to be set close to zero (or
>> even zero) ?
>> Then cleaning the weights might ruin my weight maps.
> But do you really want a vertex weight set to zero and have the vertex
> still be part of the group? What is the purpose of that, how is that
> useful?
> The way I see it is that from the user point of view there is no
> difference between zero and no weight vertices. If exportes export
> them differently then we should fix the exporters or the API rather
> than exposing that difference in the UI.
> Brecht.

Well, yes, i have to fully agree with you here.

If Blender would remove zero weighted verts from the
vertex group i do not complain at all. Actually this would
give us the nice extra feature that a mix brush with weight
set to 0.0 would be a nice way to clean up the vertex group
visually :)

So i am all positive to let blender remove zero weighted
verts from the vertex group AND display unreferenced
verts in black as ideasman's patch implements it.


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