[Bf-committers] MSVC2010 maintainer? Python 3.3 libs missing, or only me?

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 05:58:11 CET 2012

> Anyway, this file should replace the one under build/Makefile.nmake:
> http://www.triularity.org/download/blender/Makefile.nmake

With a bit more testing I found out that almost nothing builds in
either 32 or 64 bits (on msvc2010). It would be nice if someone else
with MSVC2010 could test this too.

I created a simple batch to help me to generate a log for each library
I wanted to build (the nasm stops running at the first error, so not
so nice to test them all).

The basic command invoked by the script was:
nmake /f Makefile.nmake %LIB% 1>../build_logs/%LIB%_%PLATFORM%_out.txt


Batch file to generate the logs:


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