[Bf-committers] OpenGL Dependency Report and Script

Jason Wilkins jason.a.wilkins at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 06:41:21 CEST 2012

In preparation for SoC I have started to study how Blender uses OpenGL

Here is a report I generated:

Here is the script I used to generate it:

You need to download a full glew to run it (and edit the file paths
inside the script).  I'm a novice python user, so please don't mind
how primitive my code is ;)

There are some obvious problems, the main one is that I assume each
token belongs to exactly one opengl extension, which I do not think is
true at all.  The other is that some tokens inside Blender mimic
OpenGL symbols.  I think one of my first tasks will be to find those
"fake" opengl symbols, like glMats, and rename them.

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