[Bf-committers] Create Link between logic bricks with Python

Sven von Brand svbrand at alumnos.inf.utfsm.cl
Wed Jun 29 06:42:51 CEST 2011

     I am doing some strange scripting to test making a portable logic 
through python scripting. I wanted to add a logic brick, which was easy, 
but then I wanted to ling two logic bricks, and this I didn't find any 
python function to do it, does anyone know how it is done, if possible, 
through Python?

I'm not doing this through the Game Engines Python API, as it cannot be 
done, I'm doing it with Blender's interactive console.

I added the logic brick with 
bpy.ops.logic.sensor_add(type='ALWAYS',name="Name",object="Cube") and 
supposed there was something like 
bpy.ops.logic.link(sensor="",sensobject="", controller="", 
contobject="") but could not find anything like it.


Sven von Brand

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