[Bf-committers] Exposing Tool Settings - issue with 2.5x

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 17:05:01 CEST 2011

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:02 AM, Mike Erwin <significant.bit at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also interested in feedback on the NDof UI and how best to re-arrange.
> Although the options exposed in the popup menu do need to be tweaked
> to make more sense, I stand by my choice of putting these here instead
> of in the Input pane of User Prefs.
> 1) Users without a 3D mouse are not bothered with settings that don't
> affect them
> 2) Options are context-specific, for whichever space type is active
> 3) Settings can be changed on the fly, without interruption to work flow
> None of the 300 or so test users have indicated confusion or annoyance
> with this setup, so why must it be rearranged?

My misunderstanding, since it was in space_view3d.py and called
VIEW3D_MT_ndof_settings I assumed you added access to the ndof user
preferences from the 3D view, in fact this is a standalone menu with
no reference from the 3D view.

Moved to space_userpref.py and renamed to USERPREF_MT_ndof_settings

>> A more general issue with how we expose tool setting, I noticed in the
>> recent NDof commits.
>> It exposes user preferenes in the view3d toolbar.
>> See: space_view3d.py -> layout.prop(input_prefs, "ndof_sensitivity")
>> The operator to interactively adjust the sensitivity is also modifying
>> a user preference.
>> IMHO this should either have the buttons moved to the user preferences
>> Input UI or move the internal data to scene->toolsettings.
>> Currently its confusing to adjust some settings in the toolbar and not
>> save them with the blend.
> Sensitivity and all ndof flags are saved in the blend (hopefully in a
> separate user prefs file soon). U.ndof_sensitivity is adjusted with
> operators because it is a user setting and it must be adjusted on the
> fly, in response to buttons on the device and the slider you see in
> the UI. This variable does have an RNA wrapper, but it seemed to me
> quicker to just use the underlying DNA data. Is there a better way to
> do this?

Since its a user preference, the values set wont be saved in the blend
file unless its to save the user default.
Try load a blend, change the settings through the menu, File New,
check on settings again.

Think its ok to leave as is re-evaluate this when the preferences are
split up, its only a few settings so easy to move about.

> Mike Erwin
> musician, naturalist, pixel pusher, hacker extraordinaire
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- Campbell

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