[Bf-committers] Settings and preferences out of blend format

David Silverman silvermindyarr at gmail.com
Thu May 20 03:05:25 CEST 2010

Working in a production environment, it was always nice to be able to drop a
text file into a prefs folder for custom hotkeys, settings etc. when moving
to a different work station, especially when a computer went down or was
working on a simulation.

A step up would be to allow more than one preference file and let the user
choose which to load, i think this is in the works already?

Going a little further, it would be nice to be able to export any data
structure to text. Corrupt files were a major problem with large scenes, but
because often forgot to save enough versions of our progress, we saved out
to an ascii format, we could scroll through the data and delete weird stuff
and get it working or copy important pieces into a new file, especially if
there was something broken about the file that never let you open it in the
program like. Files were a little bigger, but big hard drives are cheaper
than lost time in general. Procedural objects just saved their settings, and
non procedural items like meshes looked something like this:

mesh object and name
mesh data
vertex 1 x y z
vertex 2 x y z


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