[Bf-committers] Removing properties with Python API?

whiterabbit at dreamscapearts.com whiterabbit at dreamscapearts.com
Sat May 8 23:10:37 CEST 2010

Hi everyone,

Hopefully this isn't too far out of context for this mailing list.
My render engine script dynamically creates Blender panels and button 
properties from XML data (assembles classes as text and exec() them). 
I'm providing an interface to load and unload these XML files which in 
turn register and unregister panel classes, however I can't seem to 
figure out a way to remove the properties created for the panels. I 
considered using dynamic and ID properties but static is the only way to 
do what I need. My concern is if the user loads and unloads lots of 
XML's during a single session that this will act like a memory leak (as 
more unused properties are added).
Is there a way to do this or should I just not worry about it?

Eric Back (WHiTeRaBBiT)

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