[Bf-committers] Icons for Logic UI - kindly request

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Fri May 7 09:50:38 CEST 2010

the Logic UI has been ported to the 2.5 code (RNA, uiLayout, ...). One
thing that is missing there is some icons.
The icons we need for sure:

Mark (for controller mark option, we used to use the star of bookmark
in 2.49, but we need an icon that can be toggled - unlike the current
ICON_BOOKMARKS that looks different when on/off)

Additionally I wonder if it would nice to replace some texts with icons:
M/P - we have in a few places a toggle button to switch between
material or property fields (e.g. ray sensor)
L - flag to toggle local - e.g. motion actuator

Not sure about that, but if someone feels inspired ...

We expect to migrate officially to the new UI soon (after Sunday
Meeting?), in the mean time it can be tested setting debug mode to 1
(Ctrl+Alt+D mode: 1).
For the record, the UI is in
//source/blender/editors/space_logic/logic_window.c under
logic_buttons_new, draw_sensor_... draw_controller_... and



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