[Bf-committers] Blender and OpenCL

Lukas Tönne lukas.toenne at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 28 21:40:46 CEST 2010

I have tried out your patch, nice work :)

Here are some more thoughts on how to process data in the node tree. I
hope i'm not getting too verbose or tell you guys obvious stuff ;)

Basically when talking about data in the tree i see two different
types of dependency:
1. Inter-node dependency ("vertical"):
A node can only be executed (be it for a single pixel or the whole
image) when all it's inputs are done. This dependency _always_ exists
in node trees to a certain degree.
2. Inter-element dependency ("horizontal"):
An element (pixel, sample, particle, vertex, etc.) depends on the
state of other elements (neighbouring pixels, particles in a certain
radius, connected vertices).

Vertical dependency does not depend on the tree type, but only on the
connectivity of the nodes (complexity of the tree). Here's a made-up
example with strong connectivity in the middle part:

Horizontal (inter-element dependency) on the other hand chiefly
depends on the type of tree you're looking at:
* Shader- and texture trees have _no_ horizontal dependency at all,
the color of a material or texture sample does not depend on other
samples. This is why shader trees can be evaluated per sample and do
not need to store large amounts of data.
* Compositor tree are the other extreme: while some nodes, such as
Mix, operate per-pixel, others like Blur and Defocus heavily depend on
neighbouring or even _all_ other pixels of the input images
* Particles are not as extreme as compo trees (less neighbours to take
into account), but they lack the inherent ordering of image pixels and
need kd trees for finding neighbours.

One relatively simple thing one could probably do to decrease memory
usage is removing data that is not needed any more (I am not sure if
the current compositors do something like this already, if so, just
skip this section). As soon as all nodes, which use a certain socket
for input, have been processed, that sockets data can be freed from
memory. This of course only works as long as connectivity is
relatively low and node relations are "local". In the example above
the result of the Blur node would have to be kept in memory until all
the mix nodes are finished, whereas the initial renderlayer node could
free its buffer right after Blur is done. It might even be an option
to bite the bullet, if memory usage gets dangerously high, and discard
intermediate results used very late in the tree and recalculate them

Another improvement i currently use in the simulation trees is
splitting the large data blocks into smaller parts ("batches"). This
has the advantage of making better use of available processing power,
especially when some nodes need significantly more time than others.
In the compositor nodes one thread processes the full image for one
node at a time, which can lead to threads idly waiting for the result
of one other (iirc Brecht recently coded internal multithreading for
the especially heavy Defocus node though). At the same time by staying
with one node for a range of elements instead of processing them
one-by-one avoids the overhead of switching between nodes. Afaik this
is basically the same concept as OpenCLs "work groups", have to read
up on that again.


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Jeroen Bakker <j.bakker at atmind.nl> wrote:
> Hi all
> I have been experimenting with OpenCL and are planning a basic framework
> to support it in Blender.
> main features are:
>  * OpenCL is disabled by default, CPU fall-back must ALWAYS be
> available. OpenCL can be enabled with command-line parameter
>  * Compiler directive to completely disable OpenCL in Blender.
>  * Basic implementation to access and use GPU-devices
>  * I am not targeting the blender-render, but other time-consuming
> processes (fluids, node systems etc)
> I think this matches the basic blender principles:
>  * can work on standard home PC's
>  * blender installation is unzipping an zip
> Are other people also busy with this subject?
> Best regards,
> Jeroen
> http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/User_talk:Jbakker
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