[Bf-committers] Python RNA/API help/todo's

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 14:34:56 CEST 2010

Over the weekend I tried to tie up loose ends in the documentation
generation system and now I think its mostly finished.
Most importantly, useful internal functions like these are now
included in the docs.


...as well as an inheritance reference for functions and properties,
so you can look at any page and know all available functions &
attributes at a glance.

With this done there are some todo's others might like to look into.

- list add/remove functions that are missing.
  eg: http://www.blender.org/documentation/250PythonDoc/bpy.types.TimelineMarkers.html#bpy.types.TimelineMarkers.add
  but this doesn't exist for all data types,
  look at this big list for items that can be added and removed, make
a list of whats missing from our api
  Example http://www.blender.org/documentation/250PythonDoc/bpy.types.RenderResult.html#bpy.types.RenderResult.layers
cant add or remove layers yet.
- Going ahead and writing add/remove functions would also help a lot :)
- review limits, many are obviously wrong  eg:
- write missing docstrings (boring but easy if you learn the api -
would be great if someone could write these
- *fun* Sphinx blender theme, see

- Campbell

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