[Bf-committers] 2.49: prevent reading 2.5+ ?

joe joeedh at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 22:53:43 CEST 2009

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 1:40 PM,  <blender at erwincoumans.com> wrote:
> It is sad to see you plan to break forward compatibility, the .blend
> fileformat had this great backward/compatibility feature for over 10 years
> now.
> Is there no way to fix mesh compatiblity? Joe's recent email about Mesh
> development freeze seem to be related to this:

Forward compatibility (at least the way we're doing it) isn't
particularly stable anyway.  I would not be surprised if it's easy to
crash blender that way.  Besides, 2.5 is such a major change, that
maintaining forward compatibility would be far too much effort to be
worth it, anyway.  You can't avoid making changes like this forever.

> joe <joeedh at gmail.com> wrote
>>>Converting editmesh to/from bmesh for tools turned
>>>out to not be stable enough to be releasable.
> Is there a way to make this conversion stable?

No, there's not.


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