[Bf-committers] New patch -OpenGL Animation Sequence Button

David Bryant aceone at bellsouth.net
Mon Jul 14 21:16:24 CEST 2008

I'm letting the developers know that I've written a new patch based on the 
2.47 sources.
This is a new button in the header panel to make it easier to do a 
Playblast(in Maya terms) or render a quick OpenGL
animation sequence.I know that you can ctrl-click on the old button to do it 
but this new button makes this very hidden
feature more visible and accessable.

Also,with this patch the render window now indicates at the top as to what 
type of rendering is being done (Blender:Render,
Yafray:Render,OpenGL render or OpenGL Animation).The new button is right 
next to the old one.

The patch has been uploaded to the patch tracker.


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