[Bf-committers] no mscv6 project files for bullet2

bjornmose bjornmose at gmx.net
Tue Nov 21 23:59:30 CET 2006

Hi all, Erwin,

Yesterday i tried Cmake with VC Express (MSVC8) and MSVC6.
Hey! , it worked almost out of the box. Only some tiny linking issues 
with unneeded ODBC stuff.

Today bullet2 won't complile with msvc6 because (as a well known issue) 
poor mscv6 STL implementaion does not allow typed Allocate<type>()

Since this is a very basic feature in STL and meaningfull STL based 
memory management is impossible without, MSVC6 compiler is out of the 
game for me.

Even more now, when using Cmake, i can work with all the nice IDE 
features i am used to on free VS expess (debug {breaks,watches .. }, 
stack back tracing, auto completion .. )

We had that STL allocator issue before, when Peter (Schlaile) was doing 
virtual memory management on the sequencer ( thanks for the patience and 
the extra quirks build in ). So, for now blender builds fine with msvc6 
if GE is skipped. I don't think (expect) the bullet team will care for 
ancient compiler bugs. So  wave 'good bye' to either the GE or msvc6.

However since Cmake does a fine job on building msvc6 projects i plan to 
quit maintaining them manually. May be the msvc6 projects should be 
nuked from CVS on the long run.

Considering Cmake; the experience of the last 2 days made me wonder if 
there is any need for hand crafted msvc files at all. But i'll leave 
that to the windows build maintainers.

IMHO all OS releases should be built with scons (if avail) to get build 
process as close as possible for all OSses.

Jens Ole Wund (bjornmose)

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