[Bf-committers] Windows (XP) refuses to allocate > 1 GB

Joe Eagar joeeagar at prodigy.net
Fri Jun 30 09:39:13 CEST 2006

Ilyes Gouta wrote:
> Hi!
> You can use the VirtualAlloc class of functions or better use a memory
> mapped region through CreateFileMapping and MapViewOfFile. Please note
> that the former will allocate the memory on the swap file then the
> latter will map that to a memory pointer so that you can access it as
> a normal memory block. It doesn't matter how much you have RAM, this
> will work providing you have enough disk space.
> Regards,
> Ilyes Gouta (blenderx)
According the docs, VirtualAlloc can allocate special regions of 
physical memory, too, for supporting using large amounts of mem.


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