[Bf-committers] Re: Materials preview panel

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Wed Jun 14 02:08:25 CEST 2006

cwant at ualberta.ca (2006-06-13 at 1608.41 -0600):
> 4) Why are the texture coordinates for the cube
> preview rotated at a weird angle so that they are no
> longer paralel with the axes? e.g.,
> http://bebop.cns.ualberta.ca/~cwant/cube_preview_2.41.png
> vs.
> http://bebop.cns.ualberta.ca/~cwant/cube_preview_cvs.png
4.b) Why does it look like if trying to do a funky video? Reminds me
  one in which the singers had severe nose distortion (forced
  lens). :]


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