[Bf-committers] Compiler flags

Kent Mein mein at cs.umn.edu
Thu Jul 27 17:57:01 CEST 2006

In reply to Giuseppe Ghibò (ghibo at mandriva.com):

> Is there a way to specify in user-config.py the
> compiler flags without having to list them enclosed into
> [ '...', '...', ... ], i.e. something like:
> FLAGS = '-O2 -funsigned-char'
> rather than
> FLAGS = [ '-O2', '-funsigned-char' ]

I'm not a scons expert but no one else has answered this so I'll take a stab..

I don't think you can do the above but you could try it and see.
I guess i'd first try FLAGS = [ '-O2 -funsigned-char' ]
or just leave it as is ;)

For the CCFLAGS vs REL_CFLAGS question,
If you look at the tools/*.py files you will notice
that REL_CFLAGS gets added to CCFLAGS if we are not doing a debuging build...



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