[Bf-committers] SVG Import

Esben Stien b0ef at esben-stien.name
Mon Dec 18 07:29:50 CET 2006

Alexander Ewering <blender at instinctive.de> writes:

> that fill is just one of an infinite number of possible ways to fill
> the curve. Ton knew that, so he made Blender not fill 3D curves at
> all :)

Was that a good decision?. This is the one reason I'm able to use
blender for my work. 

What I need, is NURBS surfaces, but blender doesn't do boolean
operations on surfaces and it's not able to generate offset curves,
something that is crucial to my work.

The only thing I can do, is make the surfaces in inkscape, then import
them in to blender, convert them to NURBS and move them in 3d, so
without this feature, I cannot do anything, so please don't remove

Anyways, there is still the problem with importing the curves. Are
there open bug reports on this?. Is it being worked on?. I saw one bug
in the BTS that was exactly about this import issue, but it was closed
for some strange reason.

> Blender has a 3D curves object of its own, which is called "Surface"
> in the toolbox, and uses Nurbs control points which are actually 3D.

NURBS is absolutely what I'm after, but nothing seems to happen with
NURBS in blender, unfortunately. They are so powerful, but still

> What this is is a bug both in the Python API and/or in the SVG
> importer.

Right, but please don't fix this bug;). It's a crucial feature. 

Esben Stien is b0ef at e     s      a             
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