[Bf-committers] Re: SOC Project Ideas?

Jonathan Merritt j.merritt at pgrad.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Apr 24 02:11:37 CEST 2006

Hi Everyone,

Yet another application of calibrated cameras is in the area of 
digitizing models using at least two viewpoints to triangulate 
features.  I used that technique to digitize some bones:
    http://www.warpax.com/temp/metacarpus-structures.png  (100% Blender :-)

My scripts are online:
Here's a screenshot showing the progress of digitizing a canine rib:

Naturally I'm rushed off my feet trying to finish writing my PhD thesis, 
so the scripts aren't documented (stupid, stupid, stupid, I know...), 
but I thought I should point out that the Tsai algorithm has already 
been used to calibrate the Blender camera, using Python scripts from 
within Blender itself.

Incorporating image feature tracking into Blender might be a good 
project.  As people have pointed out, once you have the tracked 
features, there are dozens of different camera calibration techniques 
you can try.  Feature tracking and calibration can be treated very much 
as separate tasks, even allowing for the possibility of feedback from 
one to aid the other.


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