[Bf-committers] Re: Re: SOC Project Ideas?

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Sun Apr 23 16:42:01 CEST 2006

bethencourt at gmail.com (2006-04-23 at 1500.27 +0200):
> I'm very interested in entering the google SoC. Been for a few days
> researching/studying about motion tracking, to make 3d fit into real
> video footage, since in IMHO would make blender much better in the
> visual effects field. But motion tracking is too big for a one person
> a few months project, especially because there isn't much (technical
> how it works) documentation about it.

Well, I guess it depends if you start at writing your own compiler, or
the OS, or the c lib... or maybe you use a vision library. ;]

Just for example http://www.intel.com/technology/computing/opencv/
which was used for http://www.washucsc.org/~jha/ibl/. No idea how much
that took time, but he used avaliable things, and added the missing
parts. Integrating a system like that in Blender would be nice.


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