[Bf-committers] Re: New feature: Console output space type (requestfor input).

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Fri Apr 21 15:18:28 CEST 2006

matt at mke3.net (2006-04-21 at 1122.28 +1000):
> Rather than simple printf it would be great to see something like  
> BIF_Notify("message here", PRIORITY_URGENT) or BIF_Error("message  
> here", PRIORITY_HARMLESS) or BIF_Log("message here", LOG_RENDERSTATS)  
> or BIF_Debug("message here") or whatever. Messages could be  
> categorised, which would then mean that they can be marked with  
> different colours or icons in the console to make it easy to find,  
> and the console could have options to filter various kinds of  
> messages. So if you're not interested in Python progress messages but  
> you are interested in detailed statistics from your render job, you  
> could set it up that way.

To text console it could prefix the text with a fixed string for each
type, something like Xfree/Xorg "(WW)" or more complex, but still
fixed length, say 8 chars and then "] " followed by the message, for
example "DEBUG___] Message". It could even be more complex and
precisse, like "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS RSTATS__] Message".

> Another very cool thing if this existed as a proper API would then be  
> the possibility to integrate with notification systems like Growl  
> ( http://growl.info/ ) or whatever else does the same on non-Mac  
> platforms, so you could generate events in the OS based on Blender  
> activity. For example users could very easily set things up like show  
> a notification bubble or play a sound or run a program when a  
> background render finishes, or a Python script -stops running, or  
> whatever. It could be extremely useful.

In Unix OSes it is typical to have log analizers (and I am not
referring to offline ones, but "real time"). On a more modern way, I
guess people could use the poorly named System Tray Spec (uses
MSWindows-like name but really means Notifications Area), but that
only really applies when you have the graphics system running.

> Linux users who run it from an icon installed by their distro may not  
> see anything, leaving those who run it from a console.

It goes to a log.


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