[Bf-committers] Google SOC stuff

Kent Mein mein at cs.umn.edu
Mon Apr 17 15:03:50 CEST 2006

In reply to Tim Wakeham (tim.wakeham at gmail.com):

I'd consider the sketch based mentoring project on of the "problem"
cases that we would want to try and avoid.  (I was the mentor for it.)

I think most of the comments so far have been pretty on track, I'm also
thinking someone were not going to be able to do a heck of a lot

I'm thinking maybe we should have a simple project setup where applicants
need to submit a patch that gets blender to do some small task.
We just need to think of something....

That way they will at least have to have figured out how to compile blender
and submit a patch to the project.

I'm also in agreement for some sort of timeline/goals dependant on each
project.  I think if we accept a project we need to give the student the
timeline and if they start falling behind what are we going to do about it?

I talked to my student daily asking him his status, if he needed any help,
pointed him to various parts of the code, and everything seemed good other
than that fact that he would not commit code to the code base.  Then
he dropped off of the face of the world for two weeks and that was the end of

Overall I think last year went pretty well, and this year will only be better.


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