[Bf-committers] undopushes and using tools inside of tools

Tom M letterrip at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 10:35:57 CEST 2006

right now a lot of editmesh functions use te removedoublesflag
function which does its own undopush, and EdgeLoopDelete, which uses
both select_more and removedoubles flag both of which do their own

This gives two problems, one is that for EdgeLoopDelete, you need to
undo twice for it to undo correctly.

The second is that undo pushes are being tagged wrongly since they are
actually being carried out as part of a larger function.

So, should we add a flag to these functions on whether to do an
undopush?  So that the undopush can be handled at the correct spot and
naming?  Or is there a different way that it would be prefered to do

Briggs, GuitarGeek or others?


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