[Bf-committers] Re: CIrcles, cylinders and 100 verts

GSR gsr.b3d at infernal-iceberg.com
Wed Apr 5 19:04:44 CEST 2006

cwant at ualberta.ca (2006-04-05 at 0928.50 -0600):
> I just tried to create a cylinder with 320 verts, but
> the numbut only allows a maximum of 100 verts (circles
> also have this maximum). This limit seems quite arbitrary,
> so I thought I would increase it (to another arbitrary
> number, say, 30000). Does anybody have an argument as
> to why I shouldn't do this?

Now that you mention that problem, maybe Blender could support true
objects (side by side with current mesh approximations). One can
dream. :]

About the number, well, Barton did some changes to the buttons and I
think they would solve the issue of high range or good precision.


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