[Bf-committers] Blender matrix headaches... :)

Jordi Rovira caminant at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 14:31:42 CEST 2005

It would be great to have this written in stone and a documentation
available to all developers. It would also be great to note that there
are also the MOTO matrices around there in some parts of the code, and
now, also the Bullet matrices are being used (which are quite good). I
think even MOTO has two types of matrices, ones being rowmajor and the
others being column major... This should all be clarified once and for
all :)

Maybe everything could be put together in ONE matrix class (ehem...One
Matrix to bring them all and in the darkness bind them...) and the C++
classes just wrap the C ones... But that's probably a bigger task.


On 7/21/05, Ton Roosendaal <ton at blender.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Using our arithb.c code for matrix multiplying is quite painful. During
> the armature recode I really got confused with it all the time, and
> trial and error coding there isn't very succesful. I always end up
> switching the arguments!
> The most idiot part of our current API is this:
> Mat3MulMat3 is premul, and Mat4MulMat4 is postmul!!!
> Mat3MulSerie is postmul, and Mat4MulSerie is premul!!!
> As a rule-of-thumb, I just flip args when I switch from 3x3 to 4x4
> matrix calls, but that's really idiot. I also notice weird things in
> the code, where probably entire parts of the code work with transposed
> matrices, just because the args were flipped.
> Next to that we have code in Blender trying to make arithb.c into a
> "module", with a MTC_xxx() version of the same calls. Time to get rid
> of this issue once... so here's a proposal for a single arithb.c
> method.
> ***************** 1) column major ******************
> Blender already follows the OpenGL convention. From opengl.org: "OpenGL
> matrices are 16-value arrays with base vectors laid out contiguously in
> memory. The translation components occupy the 13th, 14th, and 15th
> elements of the 16-element matrix."
> Or in C: (mat[3][0], mat[3][1], mat[3][2]) is the translation vector.
> ***************** 2) Post-mul ordering *************
> To get this difference clear, you can just look at the translation part
> of a matrix.
> Suppose you have two 4x4 matrices:
> "RotY" (rotate some degrees in Y axis)
> "TransZ" (translate some units in Z axis)
> M = RotY * TransZ
> Delivers a matrix M which first rotates, then translates. The
> translation of M is identical to TransZ.
> M = TransZ * RotY
> Delivers a matrix M which translates first, then rotates. The
> translation of M is a rotated version of TransZ.
> We'll call the last argument in above equations as being "post
> multiplied", and will stick in the API to that convention. Again, this
> follows OpenGL.
> *************** 3) Notation *******************
> With math being common in C code, and not module specific, I like to
> propose a minimalistic notation. The assumptions for the notation are:
> - it's only operating on floats
> - functions have as a first argument always the 'target', where result
> is written.
> - functions allow the target argument to be used as 'source' too.
> - first part of the function-name defines the operation, like:
>    mul, inv, cpy
> - second part describes the target and third part the sources, using
> notation like:
>    m3 is matrix[3][3]
>    m4 is matrix[4][4]
>    v3 is vector[3]
>    v4 is vector[4]
> Matrix multiply examples:
>         /* target = mat1 x mat2 */
>         void mul_m3_m3m3 (float target[][3], float mat1[][3], float mat2[][3])
>         void mul_m4_m4m4 (float target[][4], float mat1[][4], float mat2[][4])
> Which will also allow premul or postmul operations on itself:
>         mul_m4_m4m4 (viewmat, viewmat, obmat);
> Vector example:
>         void mul_v3_v3m4 (float *target, float *vec, float mat[][4])
> Invert example:
>         void inv_m4_m4 (float target[][4], float mat[][4])
> And with a lot of variants like:
> mul_m3_m3m4()
> mul_m3_m4m3()
> mul_m3_m4m4()
> mul_m4_m3m3()
> mul_m4_m3m4()
> mul_m4_m4m3()
> mul_v3_v3m3()
> mul_v4_v4m4()
> *************** Migration path *******************
> I'd like to do my work in three steps.
> 1) Add the code to arithb.c. Use and test the new API with code I work
> on now anyway (armature, pose, etc)
> 2) Cleanup of arithb.c! Remove the MTC_xxxx convention
> 3) design conforming notation for the other calls (matToEul, QuatMul,
> etc)
> The last step could be:
> 4) Actual migration/replacement of all calls (zr offered scripting
> help!)
> But there's risk involved... doing it for the entire codebase in one go
> would leave huge parts badly tested, and might give surpises later on.
> Maybe this script can be posted here, and we do it on a per case basis.
> :)
> -Ton-
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org
> http://www.blender.org
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