[Bf-committers] New Python Function - Patch

Austin Benesh doccoaster at msn.com
Tue Feb 22 02:50:46 CET 2005

Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part --------------
Index: sourc/blender/python/api2_2x/Image.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/bf-blender/blender/source/blender/python/api2_2x/Image.c,v
retrieving 1.94
diff -u -p -r1.94Image.c
+++source/blender/python/api2_2x/Image.c   21 Feb 2005  18:39:20 -0700
@@ +218,1@@
static PyObject *Image_getPixelColor(BPy_Image * self, PyObject *args)
	PyObject *attr;
	Image *image=self->image;
	char* pixel;
	int ptr;
	int x=0;
	int y=0;

	if( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "ii", &x, &y ) )
		return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_TypeError,
		"expected 2 integers" );
	if( !image->ibuf||!image->ibuf->rect )	/* if no image data available */
		load_image( image, IB_rect, "", 0 );	/* loading it */
	if( !image->ibuf||!image->ibuf->rect )	/* didn't work */
		return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_RuntimeError,
				"couldn't load image data in Blender" );
		return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_RuntimeError, "x or y is out of range");

	ptr=(x + y* image->ibuf->x)*4;

	attr = Py_BuildValue( "[f,f,f,f]", ((float)pixel[ptr])/255,((float)pixel[ptr+1])/255,((float)pixel[ptr+2])/255,((float)pixel[ptr+3]/255) );
	if( attr )
		return attr;

	return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError( PyExc_RuntimeError,
				      "couldn't get pixel colors" );
static PyObject *Image_getPixelColor(BPy_Image * self, PyObject *args); /* by Austin Benesh */
{"getPixelColor", ( PyCFunction ) Image_getPixelColor, METH_VARARGS,
		"(int) X,Y"},

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