[Bf-committers] Blender.Image Question

Robert Wenzlaff (AB8TD) rwenzlaff at soylent-green.com
Sun Feb 20 02:12:08 CET 2005

On Saturday 19 February 2005 16:16, Alexander Ewering wrote:
> From the manpage of printf() you've probably read:
>         %p      The void * pointer argument is printed in hexadecimal (as
> if by %#x or %#lx).
> To print the content of memory locations, you need to dereference the
> pointer.

Not to mention the fact that you are telling it to format the data as a 
pointer and then give it no data.  So it fills the format with garbage.

The part in the " "s are format codes, it should be followed by a list of data 
items to fill into the format codes.  IE; 

int k=3; 
printf("My int k = %i", k); 

will print "My int k = 3". %i is int, %f is float, %x is hex,  %p is pointer 
(and %% is a "%" sign).   If you give it a float, and tell it to format it as 
an int, you'll get a different kind of garbage.  C doesn't type check.  
That's the C programmer's job.  What do you get for this pendantic behaviour?  
A minimum number of machine instructions per line of code.

Not to be rude (that's inttr's job) but this stuff is day 2 of a C programming 
Robert Wenzlaff    rwenzlaff at soylent-green.com

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