[Bf-committers] Armature total mess?

Roland Hess rolandh at reed-witting.com
Mon Feb 7 17:29:07 CET 2005

One of the most basic things to consider regarding constraints and 
their relation to armatures is whether there is an advantage to 
allowing constraints to continue as "live" modifiers. In the work 
flow, constraints are re-evaluated with an armature at every move, on 
every frame, to help achieve the final displayed pose. Would any real 
functionality be lost if constraints were instead turned into simple 
keyframing tools?

When the user interacts with the armature while posing it, 
constraints would be calculated, etc., but afterward (between key 
frames), they would not be used, interpolating motion strictly 
between bone keyframes. Want to change to keys? Grab the appropriate 
bone at the frame you want to affect, and the constraints become 
active when you start pushing bones around.

Constraints become a posing tool, not an interpolation tool as they 
(partially) are now.
Roland Hess - harkyman

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