[Bf-committers] Compiling under Windows with MinGW

Ray Fonk sh484090 at 12move.nl
Sat Oct 23 04:39:20 CEST 2004

> joeedh <joeeagar at prodigy.net> wrote
> Tuhopuu's guesconfig returns "windows".  Get that.

guessconfig is a script in bf-blender/blender/source/guess that in turn
calls "guess.config" in the same directory. On my system guess.config returns
"i686-pc-mingw32". guessconfig then determines the environment variable
$OS by extracting the string after the last dash. Apparently guessconfig
has been patched to return 'windows' if $OS is determined to be "cygwin"
(lines 78-82). I didn't want to bury things that much so I kept my patches
at the blender makefile level.



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