[Bf-committers] Remembering an uiBut

Alexander Ewering blender at instinctive.de
Fri Nov 12 19:14:28 CET 2004

I'm considering adding support for freely arrangable and scalable buttons
for all of Blender's UI, remembered in .B.blend.

I don't want to modify any of the uiDefBut calls scattered throughout
the program. Instead, I want to use the coordinates provided there as
defaults, and make the Button drawing functions "remember" the buttons
by a specific means.

Can anyone imagine a way for it to remember a specific button? Ways
I can think of are: A hash value of the Button text or Tooltip, or
the button's coordinates themselves. Both of these solutions have
the problem that if the button is either moved or its tooltip or
text changed, that the button won't be remembered anymore and the
user-defined position will be lost.

Is there any other value that stays constant per-button in the
uiBut struct?

| alexander ewering              instinctive mediaworks
| ae[@]instinctive[.]de   http://www[.]instinctive[.]de

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