[Bf-committers] OpenGL optimisation

trip bf-committers@blender.org
Sat, 19 Jun 2004 10:17:20 -0400

link fizzeled out.

On Jun 19, 2004, at 9:36 AM, Richard Berry wrote:

> A small update for OpenGL display list meshes. I've made a version 
> that also accelerates wireframe meshes. You can get it at (Mac OS X 
> binary only):
> http://wwww.warwick.ac.uk/student/R.J.Berry/blender/blender1-cvs.zip
> And relevant patches (against CVS) at:
> http://www.warwick.ac.uk/student/R.J.Berry/blender/drawobject.diff
> http://www.warwick.ac.uk/student/R.J.Berry/blender/displist.diff
> http://www.warwick.ac.uk/student/R.J.Berry/blender/BKE_displist.diff
> I've also got a version which is patched against 2.33a, so you can see 
> the difference that removing glFinish has (change made recently in 
> CVS):
> http://www.warwick.ac.uk/student/R.J.Berry/blender/blender1-2.33a.zip
> However, there is a small problem with the wireframe drawing. Because 
> I couldn't find a clean way to do it, OpenGL display lists are not 
> compiled for a subdivided mesh unless you have already gone through 
> the "OpenGL Solid" draw mode.
> For example, if you open the default Blender scene of a cube (in 
> wireframe mode) and subdivide it you won't see any benefit. If you 
> switch to "OpenGL Solid" mode and then back to "Wireframe" a display 
> list will have been compiled.
> I'm currently trawling my way through the OpenGL rendering code (all 
> several thousand lines of it) to try and find a solution, but someone 
> who knows Blender display lists could probably help.
> If you look at the patches, the new code for solid drawing looks like 
> this:
>         if (dl->mesh->dispList)
>                 glCallList(dl->mesh->dispList);
>         else {
>                 dl->mesh->dispList = glGenLists(1);
>                 glNewList(dl->mesh->dispList, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);
>                 displistmesh_draw_solid(dl->mesh, drawsmooth, 
> dl->nors);
>                 glEndList();
>         }
> and for drawing wireframes:
>         if (dl->mesh->dispList) {
>                 glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
>                 glCallList(dl->mesh->dispList);
>                 glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
>         } else
>                 displistmesh_draw_wire(dl->mesh);
> whereas previously just displistmesh_draw_solid or displist_mesh_wire 
> would be called.
> The idea is to create a display list that can be used for both solid 
> and wireframe drawing (and potentially shaded and textured modes as 
> well) and then just switch between polygon drawing modes, so the 
> display list needs vertex normals. I tried:
>         if (dl->mesh->dispList) {
>                 glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
>                 glCallList(dl->mesh->dispList);
>                 glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
>         else {
>                 if (!dl->nors)
>                         addnormalsDispList(ob, dlbase);
>                 dl->mesh->dispList = glGenLists(1);
>                 glNewList(dl->mesh->dispList, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);
>                 displistmesh_draw_solid(dl->mesh, !(G.f & 
> G_BACKBUFSEL), dl->nors);
>                 glEndList();
>         }
> (and changing drawDispListwire so that I had access to the Object). 
> This correctly creates the mesh but the normals seem incorrect as 
> "OpenGL Solid" mode always draws an entirely black mesh.
> What I'm trying to do is seperate the drawing code into seperate 
> render paths. So, for example, the same mesh display list (or vertex 
> array) could be used in many different ways by just switch the drawing 
> state (i.e. GL_FILL for solids, GL_LINE for wireframes, GL_LINE for 
> vertex points). This would eliminate a lot of the redundancy that's in 
> the current drawing code.
> This would also make it simple to implement accelerated shaded and 
> textured drawing modes (realtime shaded mode is going to have to wait 
> until vertex / fragment shaders are implemented, otherwise render 
> modes such as Phong and Toon shading aren't going to be possible).
> Oh, and there might be a bug on Mac OS X 10.3.4 which causes wireframe 
> drawing to be slow (note the above "feature" though). I ran into this 
> on a PowerBook with ATI Mobility 9600.
> r i c k
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