[Bf-committers] Selecting of Bones in Armatures

Chris Want bf-committers@blender.org
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 08:07:02 -0600

End-user questions like this should be asked
at http://www.elysiun.com .


P.S. Maybe we need a blender-users mailing list
for the forum adverse? (like me)

Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
> Hi,
>  the following behaviour of Blender is a little disturbing to me --
>  may be it is not a fault and part of blender for year now and it may
>  be some "hidden advantage" of it I haven't discovered until now, but...
>  I set up a simple armature, say of two bones.
>  Now I want to assign meaningful names to them and as the Blender 2.3
>  Guide said I go into Edit mode and try to select a bone.
>  Hmmm....LMB does not word, MMB and RMB does not work also, all
>  combinations of the mousish key with SHIFT, CTRL and ALT also doesnt
>  select anything else then the connecting points. The only thing which
>  do work is BKEY with border select is able to select a single bone.
>  In the book I did not find any trick for convenient selection of
>  single bones. But it also did not say why the "normal way" ;) of
>  selection via RMB is not possible.
>  Why I am wrong here? :O)
>  or
>  Why is the selection of bones via RMB is not possible?
>  Keep *.*
>  Meino
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