[Bf-committers] Findnearest* python problesm

joeedh joeeagar at prodigy.net
Sat Dec 11 04:08:27 CET 2004

Hi.  I've hit a little snag in the development of EMesh: The 
findnearest* functions do not work when the event queue has been grabbed 
by python (aka a Window.QRead loop).  BTW, for those of you who don't 
know, findnearestvert/edge/face are the functions used to get the 
current vert/edge/face that is under the mouse cursor (so it can be 
selected).  I tried calling backdrawview3d(), but that didn't help.

I can't seem to figure this out.  This is espesially important, since 
these functions are what make EMesh worth it in the first place (that's 
the whole point of it, to allow rapid prototyping of new mesh editing 

*sigh* The event system. . .you know, when I was writing BPyGUI, I 
followed this philosiphy:
NOTHING has direct access to the event queue.  I actually wrote it so a 
UI element can have a "evt_grabbed" attribute (and made it so this would 
trigger the element's parent Container's evt_grabbed attribute, until it 
hit the top of the hiearchy of Containers, I designed everything to work 
on this principle) but I think that maybe a event grab stack would work 
better. . .

Yes. . .like maybe push a function pointer onto the stack, that might 
work especially well. . .hm.. . .


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