[Bf-committers] Python status

John K. Walton bf-committers@blender.org
Sat, 17 May 2003 17:46:27 -0400 (EDT)

which version of python.

On 17 May 2003, Michel Selten wrote:

> Hi,
> In this mail I want to create a summary of the status of the current
> Python API. With this I hope to get a feeling if it's possible to have
> the new implementation ready for Blender 2.28. Any updates are welcome
> If there's somebody working on a point, I've written his name behind it
> between this-> (...) :)
> Critical:
> ---------
> The points below are needed for the Python API. These were either in the
> old API, or are just critical :)
> * Implement the main Blender module                                 done
> * Implement the BGL module                                          done
> * Implement the Camera module                                       done
> * Implement the Draw module                                         done
> * Implement the Image module                                        done
> * Implement the IPO module                                      open
> * Implement the Lamp module                                         done
> * Implement the Material module                                 open
> * Implement the Mesh module                         (IanWill)   open
> * Implement the NMesh module                        (IanWill)   open
> * Implement the Object module                       (Michel)    open
> * Implement the Scene module                                    open
> * Implement the Text module                                         done
> * Implement the Window module                                       done
> * Find a resolution for the security issues.                    open
>   For a summary, see the end of this mail.
> High Priority:
> --------------
> The points below are not critical for a 2.28 release, but should have
> been fixed before it.
> * Update the comments for each module.                          open
>   In the header comment I wrote "This is a new part of blender".
>   This should be replaced by a short description of the module.
> * Write some standard test scripts for testing the   (IanWill)  open
>   API
>   ---> IanWill could use some help on this though.
> * Write a Blender Python API description             (IanWill)  open
>   ---> IanWill could use some help on this though.
> * Write a tutorial on how to implement a new Python   (Michel)  open
>   module.
>   IanWill already has written a nice short description that
>   covers a small part of this tutorial. He'll add it to cvs
>   someday :)
> * Create a seperate script for VRML import/export               open
>   This can be distributed with blender then. The script
>   could function like the Yafray import/export script
> * Remove the freeze stuff and source/blender/bpython from       open
>   the build process. This needs to be done _after_ the
>   critical points are resolved.
> Low Priority:
> -------------
> The points below are not critical for a 2.28 release. These should be an
> addition to the current (2.27) API.
> * Add FileSelector to the Windows module                            done
> * Add ImageSelector to the Windows module                           done
> * Create new Armature module                  (Jordi)           open
> * Create new Bone module                      (Jordi)           open
> * Create new Curve module                                           done
> * Create new World module                                       open
> * Write some tutorials on how to use the Python API             open
>   (Including the new stuff)
> Security issues:
> ----------------
> Python is a full fledged script language that provides all the tools to
> delete files from your drive, format it, send mails, ...
> In other words it has the features to implement a nice virus :/
> Now, blender can execute a script when a .blend file is opened. So when
> a new tutorial guide becomes available, it's very easy for the writers
> to put some malicious .blend file in there.
> Also, when somebody reports a bug report, and provides a .blend file, he
> could have written a script that deletes your files.
> Currently, discussion is going on about that issue, but feel free to
> join in :)
> This summary has been sent to the Blender-Python mailing list first, but
> now after some updates I feel everybody should know about it :)
> With regards,
> 	Michel
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